Scholarly Articles & Journals

Los Esclavos Fugitivos que Huyeron de Estados Unidos a México
Rodrigo OseguedaQue la Esclavitud se proscriba para siempre, y lo mismo la distinción de Castas, quedando todos iguales, y sólo distinguirá a un Americano de otro el vicio y la virtud.México fue de los primeros países en abolir la esclavitud y el primero de América en...

La Oscura Historia del Pasado Esclavista Español
Claudia Contente Historiadora, Universitat Pompeu FabraA pesar de las leyes y compromisos, España fue uno de los últimos países, a finales del siglo XIX, en acabar de forma real con el fenómenoEn un momento de revisión del pasado en Estados Unidos, pero también en...

Afrolatinos: doble minoría
Maria Elena Salinas Latinos negros o Afro-Latinos, una doble minoría. No es exactamente una crisis de identidad pero dice mucho acerca de cómo las personas se perciben a sí mismas y de los factores que tienen en cuenta para su identidad.Pero existe un subgrupo dentro...

In Defense of Latinx
Christine Garcia“Where We Are” highlights where we are as a field on matters current and compelling. In these invited contributions, we bring together a small group of scholars at the forefront of a particular issue or practice, who together issue a progress report of...

The Fallacy of a Raceless Latinidad: Action Guidelines for Centering Blackness in Latinx Psychology
Hector Y. AdamesThe Chicago School of Professional Psychologyand Private Practice, Chicago, Illinois Nayeli Y. Chavez-DueñasThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology Maryam M. JerniganAgnes Scott CollegeAs Díaz... explains, Latinidad is an all-inclusive cultural...

The Lens of Latinx Literature
Marilisa Jiménez GarcíaWhen I proposed a guaranteed Modern Language Association panel on Latinx literature at the 2016 Children’s Literature Association in Columbus, Ohio, my objective was to subvert the conversation on diversity. Youth literature and culture serves...

“It’s a Tug of War”: Reflections and Stories of Afrolatinx Collegians and Sense of Belonging at a Diverse Public University
Alfredo Medina, Jr.According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2016), Latinxs are the largest ethnic group comprising 17 percent, or 53 million people, of the overall U.S. population. Latinxs come from more than 20 countries sharing a common language with the three largest...

AfroBoriqua Mothering: Teaching/Learning Blackness in a Bay Area AfroPuerto Rican Community of Practice.
Cortes, KristaUniversity of California, Berkeley, USALooking at AfroLatinx communities in a transnational perspective forces us to contend with the ways indigeneity is often pitted against blackness...and Eurocentric understandings of indigeneity that disallow...

A Badge of Honor Not Shame: An AfroLatina Theory of Black-Imiento for U.S Higher Education Research
Amalia Dache University of Pennsylvania Jasmine Marie Haywood Lumina Foundation Cristina Mislán University of MissouriTo become White gave immigrants the ability to naturalize, which had implications for superiority, intelligence, and civility. Whereas theinability to...

The Growing Diversity of Black America
46.8 million people in the U.S. identify as Black BY CHRISTINE TAMIRThe Black population of the United States is diverse. Its members have varied histories in the nation – many are descendants of enslaved people, while others are recently arrived immigrants.The Black...

Intersectionality in Psychotherapy: The Experiences of an AfroLatinx Queer Immigrant
Hector Y. Adames The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and Chicago, Illinois Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Shweta Sharma Baylor College of Medicine Martin J. La Roche Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s...