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Afrolatinos: doble minoría

Afrolatinos: doble minoría

Maria Elena Salinas Latinos negros o Afro-Latinos, una doble minoría. No es exactamente una crisis de identidad pero dice mucho acerca de cómo las personas se perciben a sí mismas y de los factores que tienen en cuenta para su identidad.Pero existe un subgrupo dentro...

In Defense of Latinx

In Defense of Latinx

Christine Garcia“Where We Are” highlights where we are as a field on matters current and compelling. In these invited contributions, we bring together a small group of scholars at the forefront of a particular issue or practice, who together issue a progress report of...

AfroBoriqua Mothering: Teaching/Learning Blackness in a Bay Area AfroPuerto Rican Community of Practice.

by Krista Cortez


This article puts forth the notion of Afroboriqua mothering to understand the types of conditions that allow communal, proleptic practices of blackness to exist within AfroPuerto Rican communities. Afroboriqua mothering is an act that occurs within a community of practice that queers how we understand mothering through activism that always centers blackness and anti-colonial Puerto Ricanness. Through participant-observation and a series of interviews with members of one AfroPuerto Rican community in Northern California, Afroboriqua mothering surfaced as a way to describe teaching and learning (or teaching/learning) within AfroLatinx multi-generational communities that centers blackness as an ancestral, cooperative and activist practice.

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