Forty Years: Memoirs from the Pages of a Newspaper

Forty Years: Memoirs from the Pages of a Newspaper

Forty Years: Memoirs from the Pages of a Newspaper Los Angeles was founded in 1781. Among the forty-four individuals who founded it, there were twenty-two adults and twenty-two children. Not very many people know that there were only two Whites among the founders, but...
Perfil: Scarlet Estrada

Perfil: Scarlet Estrada

Perfil: Scarlet Estrada En este episodio de Radio Nepantla, Melody Soto entrevista a Scarlet Estrada, antropóloga, ensayista y conductora del pódcast “AfroChingonas” desde la Ciudad de México. “Yo vengo de una familia que no se autoascribe como afromexicana y esto...
Profile: Millie del Oro

Profile: Millie del Oro

Profile: Millie del Oro In this episode of Radio Nepantla, Tracy Mejía talks to Millie del Oro, who knows that her identity is a mixture of two races and two cultures: Black and Mexican. After moving to Arkansas, she realized there was a lot for her to learn to fit in...